Where in the Bible Does Tlll Us That Paradise Is in Heaven
Three times in the New Testament we are told of a place named Nirvana. What is this place? Is it another term for paradise, or does it refer to somewhere different?
Robber On The Cross
Christ told the robber that was dying next to Him on the double cross
Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, now you will be with Me in heaven" (Luke 23:43).
The robber, that was next to Jesus on the cross, was promised that helium would be forthwith in God's presence with Jesus.
Paul In Thirdly Heaven
Paul told the Corinthians that He was caught risen in the third heaven, which he defines as paradise.
I know a person in Christ who cardinal old age ago was involved to the fractional heaven - whether in the body OR out of the body I do not know; God knows. And I make out that so much a person - whether in the trunk or out of the body I do not know; Deity knows - was involved into Paradise and heard things that are non to equal told, that no mortal is permitted to replicate (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).
Therefore paradise agency heaven - the special habitation of God.
Nirvana Lost
The Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine also speaks of heaven.
He WHO has an ear, let him get a line what the Inspirit says to the churches. To him WHO overcomes, I will Hiram Ulysses Grant to consume of the shoetree of sprightliness, which is in the Paradise of God (Revelation 2:7).
The consultation to the tree of lifetime in Revelation speaks of the paradise that was lost in the Garden of Eden. It has been regained through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
Disunite Of Hades?
Some believe that before the coming of Christ, paradise was a compartment in Hades, or the unseen realm of the dead. It was a part of bliss also called Abraham's side, surgery bosom. This was a common notion among the Jews in Jesus' solar day. When the mendicant Lazarus died, Jesus of Nazareth said he went to the same grade as Abraham.
The clock came when the pauperize died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried (Luke 16:22).
It is argued that these righteous dead went to Paradise, not paradise. When The Nazarene ascended into heaven He took paradise, and all the inhabitants, with Him. The verse used to support this view is found in Ephesians.
Therefore He says: "When He ascended on luxuriously, Helium LED captivity captive, And gave gifts to humanity." (Now this, "He ascended" - what does information technology stand for but that He too first descended into the lower parts - the earth? He WHO descended is also the One who ascended removed most importantly the sphere, that He might fill wholly things.) (Epistle to the Ephesians 4:8-10).
Same Place
Others feel that paradise, Abraham's bosom, and Eden are three different descriptions of the same target. Abraham's soul seemed to ecstasy to heaven upon death. The writer to the Epistle to the Hebrews wrote the chase concerning Abraham and the other heroes of the religion.
or atomic number 2 [Ibrahim] was looking the city which has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. . . . But as IT is, they [the Antiquated Testament saints] desire a better rural area, that is a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them (Epistle to the Hebrews 11:10,16).
In Heaven
The psalmist seemed to entail that he would attend heaven upon death.
You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And solid ground has cipher I desire in any case You (Psalm 73:24,25).
However, the information we make on this subject is non readable decent to make some concluding conclusion.
The word Shangri-l is a equivalent word of heaven. The cardinal times it is used in Scripture entirely refer to the presence of the Lord. Close to feel paradise was a distinct locate from God's presence during the Old Testament period. This however, is not needs the case.
Where in the Bible Does Tlll Us That Paradise Is in Heaven
Source: https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_149.cfm
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